What Is Cognac, How Is It Made, & How To Consume It?

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If you are a person who loves trying out different types of drinks and cocktails, then you might have already come across cognac. On the other hand, if you are new to this term, then you might wonder what is cognac, how it is made, & how to consume it. The cognac is quite expensive, and it is well known for its smooth and soft character. It is distilled from grapes of very high quality. Some people think that cognac is an extension of wine, because you will be able to taste the grape in it.This feature makes cognac very unique because most varieties of brandy don’t always taste like the fruit with which they are made from. In addition to that, cognac possesses several other unique features which makes it very special. It is often considered as the gold standard when it comes to brandy. In order to preserve the integrity of this beverage, France has enacted well defined quality standards. This has been carried out to maintain the reputation of cognac as one of the finest varieties of brandy available. The production of this beverage is only allowed in the state of Charente in the Cognac region as per the French laws.

Find Out What Is Cognac

  • Cognac can be considered as a type of brandy, or distilled wine that is primarily produced in the Cognac region of France. The production of Cognac is restricted in other parts of the country, in order to maintain the quality and standard of this popular beverage.


  • The first records related to the production of this beverage dates back to the seventeenth century in Holland. But, by the 1700s, a number of cognac distilleries were set up in the Cognac region of France.


  • Soon, they started the large-scale production of this beverage. During this particular period, the Folle blanche grape variety was considered as the best for making this beverage.


  • But, years later, a plague swept the region and destroyed the grape crops completely. As a result of that, the folle blanche grapes were soon replaced by the ugni blanc grapes.


  • Currently, the ugni blanc grape variety is the most popular cognac grape variety. It is also regarded as the dominant grape variety which is used for the production of this beverage.


  • Currently, there are about two hundred producers who are distilling cognac in the Cognac region of France. This is a huge number, and it can be ascertained that the business of cognac production has completely covered the whole region of Cognac.


  • Apart from that, almost ninety percent of the American market is dominated by only four producers. Among these four producers, three were established in the 1700s. Thus, they have complete control of the cognac production.

How Is Cognac Made??

Now that we know what is cognac, let’s take a look at its production.


  1. So, first of all, the grapes that are necessary for the production of this beverage are harvested. Then, these grapes are pressed to collect the juice which will be used to make white wine.


  1. The collected solution is allowed to ferment for about three weeks. The main motive behind this process is to allow the sugars to ferment completely into a wine. This wine should contain about eight percent alcohol.


  1. After the completion of the fermentation process, the obtained product is distilled twice. Copper pot stills are used during the distillation process.


  1. It must be noted that this beverage should not have any sulfates. In order to achieve this, the distillation is mostly carried out between October and May.


  1. Selecting the colder months for the purpose of distillation will ensure that the cognac does not develop sulfates. After the successful completion of the distillation process, we will get a spirit which contains about seventy percent alcohol.


  1. The spirit obtained after the distillation process is left to age in oak barrels for a minimum duration of at least two years. The aging process will yield brandy which is known as eau-de-vie.


  1. As we have already mentioned, oak barrels that are made of French oak are used for the purpose of storing this spirit during the aging process. This in turn provides a characteristic amber color to it.


  1. Finally, this beverage is produced when eau-de-vie of different ages, as well as regions are blended by a master blender to make Cognac.

How To Consume Cognac?

If you are wondering what is cognac, and how to consume it, then please keep reading to find out the different ways in which this beverage can be consumed.


  1. If the cognac is relatively young, then you must mix it before consuming. In order to make cocktails, you can use spirits such as Frapin VS, Courvoisier VS, or Leopold Gourmel Premieres Saveurs. You can also try using drinks that have a nutty, citrus, or floral flavor.


  1. In the case of old cognac, you can drink it straight without mixing it with any other drinks. The brandies that are aged possess a very delicate, as well as subtle flavor. Hence, it can be easily taken without mixers, food, or cigarettes.


  1. You must avoid the addition of water or ice to the cognac. Water will make the cognac too bland, and you might not like the end results. It is recommended that you consume this beverage at room temperature, or when it is slightly cooler.


We have seen what is cognac, how it is made, & how to consume it. It is appropriate to say that this beverage has a rich aromatic profile. It is very fruity, as well as floral. At the same time, it has a certain degree of spiciness to it. This characteristic flavor will help you to play with a number of amazing options on the cocktail wheel. Different interesting combinations can be formed with this beverage where one particular aroma or another can be highlighted as per the individual preferences. This beverage has the capability of replacing the base ingredients in a number of classic cocktails.  

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