Understanding Mathematics through Play: Counting and Shapes for Preschoolers

5 min read


Preschool education is one of the most crucial steps in the lives of young children as it plays an imperative role in a child’s development. At that age, a child gets introduced to various foundational concepts, including mathematics. During this specific learning period, children not only learn the basics of language and social skills but also begin to explore the serene world of mathematics. Most parents might not be aware, but understanding mathematics during the preschool education period can be a great way to build a strong foundation for future mathematical conceptual learning. So, today, in this blog, we will dig deeper into the importance of counting and shapes in early childhood education and how understanding mathematics through play can make the most of your child’s learning journey. 

Counting: A Fundamental Building Block 

Mathematics is all about counting and shapes only when it comes to early childhood education. In fact, counting is one of the earliest mathematical skills that all preschoolers can develop. After all, this counting concept forms the basis of understanding numbers and sets the stage for the more advanced mathematical concepts with which they will be introduced in the future. With counting, we don’t mean reciting the numbers but also about grasping the concept of quantity and understanding the concept of how numbers relate to the real world. 

If you are an educator or a parent and want to add the concept of counting to your child’s learning journey, then try to make it a joyous one. This can be done by incorporating play into the learning process. For example, you can use everyday objects like buttons, toys, or snacks to help your child practice counting, which will make it easy to learn. In addition to that, you can also add different playing games, such as I Spy, where the child has to count how many red cars they see on the road. There are many more games, too, which can help reinforce their counting skills and encourage observation and attention to detail.  

Shapes: The Building Blocks of Geometry 

Another fun and important concept of mathematics that children should learn early is shapes. It is another important fundamental aspect of mathematics that can be taught through play. Teaching young children about different shapes not only helps them learn and recognize different objects around them but also sets the foundation for understanding an important concept of mathematics, like geometry, in the future. Understanding the different shapes is important for children’s visual and spatial skills development. 

Educators and parents can incorporate different fun and engaging shape recognition activities into their everyday learning. For example, you can take your child to a park and let them recognize and point out different shapes as they see. From identifying circles of wheels to rectangles in the playground structures, let them observe the shapes that surround their environment. In addition to that, at home, parents can also help them play with building blocks to create different shapes and let their children explore and build with them. 

Play-Based Learning: The Ultimate Key To Early Mathematics Education 

The idea of guidance for young children through play is essential. It’s a teaching strategy that acknowledges children’s inherent desire to explore, experiment, and learn. Through play-based learning, kids can make sense of the world while honing vital cognitive, social, and emotional abilities. Play-based learning offers a diverse and engaging experience when it comes to maths. Numerous play activities can use counting and shapes. For instance, “Chutes and Ladders” and other board games teach kids to count squares and identify geometric shapes. Building with blocks promotes spatial awareness and shape perception.

In addition to that, play-based learning of these important mathematical concepts at an early age fosters a positive attitude toward mathematics. We have observed in recent years that children see mathematics as a daunting subject, but when this early positive association of mathematical concepts happens, it can leave a lasting impact on the learning attitude of the children. 

Best Fun Activities To Teach Shapes & Counting For Preschoolers 

  • Shape Hunt

The shape hunt activity is one great activity to make children learn shapes through play. Create a scavenger hunt by hiding different objects of different shapes around the play area and provide children with a checklist containing the names of the shapes they need to find. This activity not only helps reinforce shape recognition but also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Counting With Nature 

Another activity is to take preschoolers outdoors to explore nature and practice counting skills. Encourage children to keep track of the quantity of flowers they discover, rocks they locate, and birds they see. You may also make it into a game by instructing them to look for a certain amount of things, such as “Find five leaves.” Children can practice counting while engaging with the natural world.

  • Shape Puzzles

Introduce shape puzzles to help preschoolers learn about shapes and improve their problem-solving abilities. Use puzzles with different shape options and prod kids to correctly match the shapes. Start with easy problems and progressively get more difficult as you go. Shape recognition, spatial awareness, and cognitive abilities are all improved by this activity.

  • Number Hopscotch 

Make the traditional game of hopscotch into a counting exercise. Use chalk to create a grid similar to a hopscotch game, but use short mathematical formulas or number phrases instead of numbers. Give young children tiny toys or bean sacks to toss onto the grid. A youngster must count or solve an equation before moving on to the relevant number when a bean bag lands on a number word or equation. 



In conclusion, we can say that playschool education is the main foundation for a child’s academic journey, and thus, it is important to introduce these two important mathematical concepts of counting and shapes during their early childhood journey. So, find the best play schools that understand the importance of these concepts and foster a love for mathematics in your children. 

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