Top 12 Foods To Avoid When Taking lamotrigine & Its Uses

5 min read

There are numerous medications available to treat severe physical or mental illnesses. It is normal for foods and medications to interact, reducing the drug’s absorption and effectiveness. Some foods can even stop a medication from working. If you are suffering from Bipolar disorder or epilepsy and wondering about foods to avoid when taking lamotrigine, this write-up will assist you. 

Foods to Avoid When Taking Lamotrigine


According to a comprehensive study, caffeine’s stimulant effect may be to blame for some people’s onset of mania symptoms. Additionally, caffeine can raise your body’s levels of lamotrigine and have negative effects like anxiety, irritability, and insomnia.

2.High fat foods 

High-fat foods can affect the power of lamotrigine to work properly, reducing its effectiveness. To ensure the drug is properly absorbed and has the intended therapeutic benefits, it is advised to avoid eating significant amounts of fatty meals around the time of taking this medicine. .


Next in the list of foods to avoid when taking lamotrigine is Banana. This fruit is rich in potassium, an electrolyte that your body needs to function properly and is commonly referred to as a mineral. Your body requires potassium for different capabilities, including helping with electrical sign transmission for the mind. There is some verification that an abundance of potassium in the brain can cause seizures.


This citrus fruit alters how some medications are metabolised by the body. Its most notable impact is to build how much medication that enters the circulation system, which raises the medication’s focus. In the event that you are taking drugs for hypertension, elevated cholesterol, thyroid disease, or indigestion, you should stay away from grapefruit.

5.Pickled foods

Pickled foods can interact with lamotrigine and raise your body’s lamotrigine levels. Side effects from this include tiredness, blurred vision, and dizziness. It can also disrupt your sleep you eat too much pickled foods. 


6.Foods High in Sodium

Lamotrigine has been linked to an uncommon but severe adverse effect termed Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS). High salt intake has been suggested as a potential trigger for SJS in some cases, while the specific explanation is unknown. So if you want to know foods to avoid when taking lamotrigine, high sodium foods are a big no. Such as processed foods, fast food, and salty snacks, is advised to lower this risk.

7.Soy products 

Soy products are the foods that interact with lamotrigine. It’s crucial to be aware that there isn’t much research on any possible interactions between soy products and lamotrigine. Some people have claimed that eating soy or soy-based products causes their seizure activity to rise. Therefore, if you’re taking lamotrigine, it could be wise to discuss any soy-related dietary modifications with your doctor.

8.Raw or undercooked egg

Eggs ought not be consumed crude or half-cooked in the event that you are taking lamotrigine as an antiepileptic drug. Salmonella contamination, which can be exceptionally horrendous and cause fever and stomach torment. So consistently make sure to cook your eggs prior to eating them completely.

9.Leafy green

Despite the fact that you’ve forever been encouraged to eat your greens, you might have to restrict your intake assuming you’re taking lamotrigine. The drug’s ability to forestall blood clumps might be reduced by the elevated degrees of vitamin K present in green, verdant food varieties. You don’t have to completely avoid greens because this might happen when you abruptly reduce or increase their intake. 

10.Unpasteurised dairy products 

Dairy items that are not pasteurised, like crude milk and a few cheeses, may contain risky microbes that could influence shoppers. These are one of the most common foods to avoid when taking lamotrigine according to doctors. It is advised to stay away from unpasteurized dairy products.


You must avoid Alcohol if you are taking lamotrigine. The dangers of mixing lamotrigine and alcohol must be understood. When taken simultaneously, their respective calming effects on the central nervous system can intensify, affecting cognition and coordination. Additionally, drinking alcohol can intensify any lamotrigine adverse effects including tiredness or dizziness, which can be uncomfortable or interfere with daily tasks.


12.Tyramine rich foods 

Tyramine, an amino acid included in a number of foods, can be broken down improperly by medications such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Tyramine levels that are too high in the system can likewise raise blood pressure. Chocolate, processed meats, aged or mature cheese, and soy products are examples of common foods high in tyramine.

Uses of lamotrigine 

Now that you know foods to avoid when taking lamotrigine, let’s check out the uses of the medicines in different cases. We already mentioned that it is widely used for bipolar disorder and epilepsy, but there are other diseases where it becomes really effective. They are- 

1.Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome 

The severe form of epilepsy is known as Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS). It generally started in childhood. According to many studies, Lamotrigine is an excellent medication to control the seizures related to LGS. 

2.Neuropathic pain 

Many studies have revealed that Lamotrigine is beneficial for reducing certain types of neuropathic pain. Those include diabetic neuropathy or post-herpetic neuralgia. If you take this medication, your quality of life will improve. 

3.Uses Off-Label

Lamotrigine isn’t FDA-supported generally speaking where it tends to be utilised off-name to treat different ailments such neuropathic pain, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, and headache. Medical services experts choose whether to use lamotrigine off-name on a singular premise.


Lamotrigine inhibits the release of glutamate from neurons by blocking voltage-sensitive sodium channels. Some people think that spreading cortical depression, which may play a key role in the development of migraine attacks, is caused by glutamate release.


You must follow all the above mentioned foods to avoid when taking lamotrigine to get the best results out of it. However, it is essential to speak with your doctor for personalised guidance based on your unique medical requirements, any current ailments, and any drugs you may be taking.

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