Proper Cornhole Board Distance: A Guide By Spot Court Construction Company

5 min read

Cornhole, a popular outdoor game enjoyed at picnics, tailgating parties, and backyard gatherings, has gained immense popularity over the years. If you’re a cornhole enthusiast looking to set up your own game or you’re a part of Spot Court Construction Company, a leading name in sports court construction, looking to enhance your clients’ outdoor experiences, knowing the correct distance between cornhole boards is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of cornhole board placement and provide you with the knowledge you need to ensure your cornhole games are fun and competitive.

Why Cornhole Board Distance Matters

Before we dive into the specifics of how far cornhole boards should be apart, let’s first understand why getting this distance right is so important. Proper cornhole board placement is critical for several reasons:

  1. Fair Competition: The correct distance between cornhole boards ensures a level playing field for all participants. It guarantees that every player, regardless of skill level, has an equal opportunity to score points.
  2. Safety: Incorrect board placement can lead to accidents and injuries. Players could trip over boards that are too close or strain themselves while throwing if the boards are too far apart.
  3. Game Integrity: Cornhole is all about precision and skill. Incorrect distances can make the game less enjoyable and less true to its intended challenge.

Now that we’ve established the importance of proper board placement, let’s explore the ideal cornhole board distance.

Regulation Cornhole Board Distance

The American Cornhole Association (ACA), the governing body for the sport of cornhole, provides clear guidelines for the distance between cornhole boards in regulation play. According to the ACA rules:

  1. The front edges of the two boards should be exactly 27 feet apart.
  2. The pitching platforms, where players stand to throw their bean bags, should be at least 27 feet apart.
  3. The bottom of the hole on each board should be 12 inches from each side and centered from the back edge.

These regulations apply to both recreational and competitive play. Adhering to these standards ensures that your cornhole games are consistent with official rules and that players can compete on an even footing.

Factors To Consider When Placing Cornhole Boards

While the ACA’s regulations provide a standard for board placement, there are some factors you should consider when setting up a cornhole game:

  1. Space Constraints: In some cases, you may not have enough space to set up boards exactly 27 feet apart. In such situations, you can shorten the distance but make sure all players agree on the new distance before starting the game.
  2. Player Skill Level: If you’re playing with beginners, you might want to start with boards slightly closer together to make the game more approachable. As players gain confidence and skill, you can gradually increase the distance to regulation length.
  3. Wind Conditions: Wind can greatly affect the trajectory of bean bags. On windy days, consider moving the boards closer together to maintain fair competition.
  4. Audience Comfort: If you’re organizing a cornhole event with spectators, ensure there’s enough space around the boards for people to watch without interfering with the game.
  5. Lighting: If you plan to play cornhole in the evening or in low-light conditions, make sure there’s adequate lighting around the boards to ensure safety and visibility.

Customizing Your Cornhole Experience

As a construction company specializing in sports court installations, Spot Court Construction Company understands that each client’s needs may be unique. While regulation cornhole board distances are essential for competitive play, you can also offer customized solutions for clients who want to create a personalized cornhole experience in their backyard or on their sports court.

Here Are Some Options To Consider:

  1. Adjustable Platforms: Install adjustable pitching platforms that allow players to change the distance between boards to suit their preferences.
  2. Multiple Board Sets: Offer sets of cornhole boards with varying distances, allowing players to choose the level of challenge they prefer.
  3. Decorative Elements: Customize the appearance of cornhole boards to match the client’s aesthetic preferences, making them both functional and visually appealing.
  4. Game Accessories: Provide a variety of bean bag colors and materials to cater to different player preferences.

By offering these customizable options, Spot Court Construction Company can meet the diverse needs of its clients and enhance their overall outdoor experience.


In the world of cornhole, getting the distance between boards right is essential for a fair and enjoyable game. Whether you’re a cornhole enthusiast looking to set up the perfect game in your backyard or a sports court construction company like Spot Court Construction Company looking to offer tailored solutions to clients, understanding the regulations and factors that influence board placement is crucial.

Remember that while regulation cornhole board distances provide a standard for competitive play, customization is key to meeting individual preferences and creating a unique cornhole experience. By striking the right balance between regulation and customization, you can ensure that every cornhole game is a memorable and enjoyable event for players of all skill levels. So, the next time someone asks, “How far should cornhole boards be apart?” you’ll be armed with the knowledge to provide the perfect answer and solution.

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