Orchid Care Tips: Proven Strategies to Keep Your Orchids Fresh Longer

4 min read

Orchids being the symbol of love and beauty are liked by the majority of the people. The delicate orchids can beam fresh positive vibes in any given palace. Cut orchids can last from one week to three weeks, completely depending on the species of the bloom. If you are an orchid lover and want them to live a little longer when you buy them from nearby local flower shop, or you get the orchid flower bouquet from your loved ones, you should follow certain tips to elongate their life and keep them fresh for a longer time.

Cut them diagonally

If possible, separate the orchids from the bouquets and place them in a clean vase. After that, cut the base of the orchid’s stems in a diagonal shape with a sharp object. This helps the orchid stems to absorb freshwater and stay hydrated.

Neither over-water nor under-water orchids-

Orchids are delicate flowers that need special care. Never make a mistake to over-water them, as over-watering causes rotting problems. Mildly water them so that they can soak the required level of water to remain fresh. Just like overwater orchids cause problems, similarly under watering also causes some serious nuisance. The best way to know that your orchid water needs is when you find the petals start turning yellowish.

Avoid direct sunlight-

Place your orchids away from direct sunlight. Since orchids mostly grow in thick lush where they get protected in the form of canopy from direct harsh sunlight. Avoiding them from harsh rays of sun will definitely add life to your cut orchids stems and keep them fresh for a longer time.

Change the water-

It is utmost important to change the water of the vase after a few days. Changing water helps the orchids to remain fresh, as there are the least chances of any microbial growth in the vase.

Avoid low -humidity areas

Try to keep your orchids in high humidity areas, as orchids can remain fresh in low humid areas. An optimum humidity level of 55 to 75% is best to keep the orchids fresh. If the humidity level is not optimum, you can try misting your orchid petals, or you can use a humidifier for the orchids. Both humidifiers and misting help to keep the orchids fresh for a considerably longer time, and you can enjoy the bloom.

Use flower preservatives

Flower preservatives or flower food are the best way to keep the orchids going. Most of the florist shops keep them, and you use them in your orchids to feed them the required nutrients so that they can bloom even when they are cut from the plants.

Orchid bleach mixture-

If you don’t want to rely on plant preservatives, you can make your own orchid food. You have to take in a container two tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of white vinegar and half teaspoon of chlorine bleach in lukewarm water. This concoction works wonders for the orchids to remain fresh for a long time.

Lemon-lime mixture-

This mixture can be made and used for feeding the orchids for its elongated fresh life. In this you have to add lime soda, chlorine bleach and lukewarm water. Mix the ingredients properly and pour this solution in your orchid stems to keep it fresh and spread happiness.

Clean the extra petals and foliage

Keep an eye that the petals or other foliage don’t get accumulated in the vase, as the accumulation of rotted leaves and petals causes bacterial growth, which is very harmful to the orchids. Clear the vase or the flower bouquets thoroughly in order to get rid of rotting.


Orchids flowers are very special flowers that have their own radiant beauty. These flowers are very delicate and need special care. Orchids flower bouquets can be kept fresh if cared for properly. Normally, orchid flowers can remain for one week to three weeks, depending on their type. Caring the cut orchids demands certain special tips like keeping it away from direct sunlight, avoiding under watering it or over watering, feeding the orchids stem with plant preservatives, or you can make your own mixture to feed the stems of orchids so that they can remain fresh for a longer time.

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