Myths and Facts About Teeth Whitening

3 min read

Teeth whitening is not just for rich or famous people. Nowadays, almost everyone desires teeth that appear bright and white. One might visit a grocery and find several shelves filled with tooth-whitening products. Unfortunately, many of those products are ineffective. However, teeth whitening procedures performed by dental experts ensure one achieves shiny teeth in no time. But, with so much false information about teeth whitening on the internet, it isn’t easy to know what to believe. 

In this blog, we will dispel some common myths about teeth whitening. We gathered facts to create this post from the orthodontists at Aspen Dental, renowned for offering the best teeth whitening in Gurgaon. This blog aims to educate readers without intending to frighten anyone to undergo a teeth whitening procedure. 

Here are Some Myths and Facts of Teeth Whitening 

Myth 1. Teeth Whitening Damages the Enamel

Fact: Teeth whitening treatments are safe and only harm the tooth enamel if the wrong proportions are used during the procedure. Teeth whitening is a dentistry treatment and should only be performed by an expert dental specialist. 

Myth 2:  Teeth Whitening Makes the Teeth Sensitive 

Fact: During the bleaching process, the teeth might become temporarily sensitive for some patients with sensitive teeth. However, dental experts use different gels that prevent sensitivity during and after the treatment. 

Myth 3: Rubbing Fruits on the Teeth Helps to Remove Stains

Fact: Many individuals might have heard of using strawberries, lemons, and banana peels to achieve a shiny smile. But does it work? No, this will not remove stains but will seriously damage the teeth. Fruit acids and acids in other food we drink and eat cause tooth enamel to wear away, and the teeth become discolored and yellow as a result. 

Myth 4: Teeth Whitening is Painful

Fact: On the whole, teeth whitening does not hurt. So, if it irritates the mouth or causes stinging in any other way, one should stop getting the treatment immediately. However, a little bit of sensitivity is common. 

Myth 5: Once Whitened, the Teeth Will Stay White Forever 

Fact: The color change of the teeth is permanent. However the teeth might become yellow if the aging process continues. Touch-ups would be needed to maintain the results of teeth whitening. 

Myth 6: Teeth Whitening Treatment Is Not Worth the Cost 

Fact: Professional teeth whitening will undoubtedly cost one more than using a kit from the local pharmacy, but the two procedures are very different. Many individuals are surprised to learn that a professional tooth whitening procedure is affordable. Furthermore, since a dental expert supervises the process, it is frequently safer and yields more satisfying outcomes.

Final Thoughts 

Through this post, we hope we have cleared all the misconceptions surrounding professional teeth whitening. So, do not become a victim of these common misconceptions and stop yourself from achieving a brighter smile. Go for teeth whitening, as your smile is the first thing people notice about you. 

To opt for teeth whitening treatment, one can get in touch with the dental specialists at Aspen Dental. The experts at the clinic also offer dental fillings, invisible braces, metal braces, dental implants, root canal treatment, and many more. 

At Aspen Dental, the root canal treatment cost in Gurgaon starts at Rs. 4000, depending on the severity of condition. 

To avail the benefits of these dental procedures, one can visit Aspen Dental today!

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