My Editor Has Resigned What Are My Options

3 min read

If your editor has resigned out of the blue, it’s only natural to feel under pressure.

With competing deadlines and large volumes of research to get through, the loss of an editor can cause major problems – including scheduling gaps that need to be quickly filled.

In this piece, we look at the options available to you when an editor resigns.

1) Redistribute the work

Redistributing the previous editor’s workload is the quickest and lowest-cost option. You don’t need to recruit anyone new and the problem is solved quickly. If you have the resources to cope with the workload, this is the most feasible option.

However, this might affect your team. Given that most reports are time-sensitive, it could increase pressure on your other editors, especially in results season. If your team is already struggling to devote enough time and attention to their own work, the quality of the output overall could suffer.

2) Hire a new editor

On paper, hiring a new editor sounds like the most sensible option, as you will be replacing like with like. There is a logic to this: You hired the original editor for a reason, whether to cope with workload or as a strategic decision, and that reason is likely to remain relevant.

If recruiting a replacement editor is an attractive option, you will need to consider whether your firm is at a time-critical juncture, and if it can afford to wait for the recruitment process to run its course.

There is also the on boarding and training period to factor into the equation. This could be anything from a few weeks to a few months until your new editor is ready to work at the pace of the colleague he or she is replacing.

3) Outsource your editing

The third option is to outsource the editing to a third-party firm. There are several reasons why you might choose to do so:

  • Easy to scale: you can contract your outsourced provider for the volumes you require and only those volumes – so you only pay for what you use. This avoids expensive recruitment and redundancies should your research output increase or reduce.
  • Speedy, low-cost setup: you can generally reach an agreement and get started with an outsourced editing firm within just a few days, as opposed to the weeks or months it would take to recruit.
  • Team of editors: you benefit from the whole resources of the firm and their team of editors. Rather than relying on one editor, you have backup.

When you outsource to a reputable editing firm, you’ll gain an experienced team that will do its utmost to understand your business, plan around your requirements and deliver great results – on time and to your exact specifications.

Outsourcing your financial editing doesn’t need to be an emergency or temporary measure. In fact, you may find that it’s the most convenient and effective long-term solution for your organization.

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