LPS 1175 Certification: What It Means for Security Product Performance

6 min read

In a world where security concerns are paramount, the need for reliable and effective security products has never been greater. From protecting critical infrastructure to securing commercial and residential properties, the demand for robust security solutions is on the rise. To meet these needs, various organizations and certification bodies have developed standards to assess the performance and reliability of security products. One such standard that plays a crucial role in evaluating the security performance of products is LPS 1175.

Understanding LPS 1175

LPS 1175 is a British standard developed by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB), which is part of the British Approvals Service for Fire and Security (BAFE). It serves as a benchmark for evaluating the security performance of physical security products, such as doors, windows, fencing, and access control systems. LPS 1175 certification is recognized globally for its rigorous testing procedures and is highly regarded within the security industry.

The Significance of LPS 1175 Certification

LPS 1175 certification holds immense significance in the realm of security product performance. It provides a standardized and reliable way to measure the effectiveness of security products in withstanding various forms of attacks. Let’s delve deeper into the aspects that make LPS 1175 certification crucial for both manufacturers and end-users.

  • Thorough Testing Process

One of the primary reasons LPS 1175 certification is highly esteemed is its rigorous testing process. Products seeking this certification undergo extensive and systematic testing, including penetration tests, tool attack tests, and ballistic tests. These tests assess the product’s ability to withstand different types of attacks, such as forced entry attempts, ballistic threats, and more.

  • Classification System

LPS 1175 employs a classification system that categorizes security products based on their resistance levels. These classifications range from SR1 to SR8, with SR1 being the lowest and SR8 the highest level of security. This classification system allows both manufacturers and consumers to understand the level of protection a product can offer, making it easier to select the right security solution for a particular application.

  • Third-Party Verification

LPS 1175 certification is not self-assessed; it involves third-party verification by accredited laboratories. This impartial assessment ensures that security products meet the specified performance standards. This third-party verification adds credibility to the certification process and provides assurance to end-users that the product can be relied upon.

  • Adaptability to Diverse Threats

In an ever-evolving world of security threats, LPS 1175 is designed to adapt to new and emerging risks. It continually evolves to address the changing landscape of security concerns, making it a robust and reliable standard for security product certification.

The Certification Process

To attain LPS 1175 certification, security product manufacturers must go through a systematic and comprehensive process. This process involves several steps:

  • Application

The manufacturer initiates the process by applying for LPS 1175 certification. This application includes detailed information about the product, its intended use, and specifications.

  • Testing

Once the application is accepted, the product undergoes a series of tests in accordance with the LPS 1175 standard. These tests simulate various forms of attacks and assess the product’s performance and resistance levels.

  • Classification

Based on the test results, the product is classified according to the SR rating system. This classification indicates the level of security the product can provide.

  • Documentation

The manufacturer must provide comprehensive documentation detailing the product’s specifications, test results, and other relevant information. This documentation is reviewed as part of the certification process.

  • Certification

Upon successful completion of the tests and documentation review, the product is awarded LPS 1175 certification. This certification signifies that the product meets the required security standards.

  • Ongoing Verification

LPS 1175 certification is not a one-time process. Certified products are subject to ongoing verification and periodic audits to ensure they continue to meet the standards. This ensures that the security product’s performance remains consistent over time.

Benefits of LPS 1175 Certification

LPS 1175 certification offers several benefits to both manufacturers and end-users, making it a valuable asset in the security industry.

  • Assurance of Quality

For manufacturers, LPS 1175 certification serves as a mark of quality and reliability. It demonstrates a commitment to producing security products that can withstand real-world threats. This assurance of quality can be a powerful selling point in a competitive market.

  • Product Differentiation

Certification allows manufacturers to differentiate their products in the marketplace. When customers see the LPS 1175 certification mark, they instantly know that the product has been rigorously tested and meets specific security standards.

  • Enhanced Security

End-users benefit from LPS 1175 certification by having access to security products that are proven to be effective against various threats. This enhances their security and peace of mind, whether they are protecting a residential property or critical infrastructure.

  • Reduced Risk

Certified products are less likely to fail in real-world security incidents. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access, break-ins, and property damage, ultimately saving money and potential liabilities for end-users.

  • Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

In many cases, regulatory authorities and insurance companies require security products to meet specific standards. LPS 1175 certification can help manufacturers and end-users meet these requirements, ensuring compliance and potentially reducing insurance premiums.

  • Confidence in Performance

LPS 1175 certification provides confidence in the performance of security products, especially in high-stakes situations. Whether it’s protecting against theft, vandalism, or even potential terrorist threats, knowing that a product is LPS 1175 certified provides peace of mind.

Applications of LPS 1175-Certified Products

LPS 1175-certified products find applications in a wide range of industries and sectors.

  • Commercial Buildings

Commercial properties, such as offices, retail stores, and warehouses, often require robust security measures to protect valuable assets and sensitive information. LPS 1175-certified doors, windows, and access control systems provide the required security.

  • Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure facilities, including power plants, data centers, and government buildings, are potential targets for security threats. LPS 1175-certified products play a crucial role in safeguarding these vital facilities.

  • Residential Properties

Homeowners seeking to enhance the security of their residences can benefit from LPS 1175-certified products. These products deter break-ins and provide peace of mind to residents.

  • Transportation

The transportation sector, including airports, train stations, and bus terminals, requires stringent security measures. LPS 1175-certified products contribute to passenger safety and the protection of critical transportation infrastructure.

  • Retail

Retail establishments face a constant threat of theft and vandalism. LPS 1175-certified security products, such as storefront shutters and access control systems, help mitigate these risks.



LPS 1175 certification stands as a beacon of assurance in an ever-uncertain world. Its stringent testing procedures and classifications provide both manufacturers and end-users with the confidence they need in the performance of security products. Whether you’re a turnstile or barriers manufacturer, a security system supplier, or a vigilant end-user, LPS 1175 certification offers a standardized and reliable way to enhance security measures, safeguard critical infrastructure, and protect what matters most. Embracing this certification is not just a mark of quality; it’s a commitment to a safer and more secure future.


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