Keep reading to see how to get more deep sleep at night

6 min read

Sleep is indeed very important for the proper functioning of our body, and mind. Without sufficient sleep, we will not be able to think, or act properly. A lot of people face sleep related issues these days. This is mainly because of the stressful life that most of us lead. Hence, we might want to know how to get more deep sleep at night.


There are a number of tips out there which can be utilized for getting an intense sleep at night. Most of these techniques are very simple, and you will be able to carry them out without much difficulty. You can go through the different methods, and opt for the ones that are convenient for you.


The remedies that will be covered in this discussion will help in enhancing the quality of your sleep to a great extent. However, if you feel that you are not benefitting much from these tips, then your problem might be more complicated.


During such instances, you should try to get yourself examined by your healthcare provider. They will provide you with some medications which will help you in getting deeper sleep. So, without further delay, let’s take a look at the different tips that can be used for improving the quality of your sleep.


Using exercise, how to get more deep sleep at night?

  • Exercising regularly is a very good habit, and it will provide you with a number of health benefits. Good quality sleep is one of them. If you try to be physically active during the day through some exercises, then it will immensely improve the quality of your sleep.

  • Several studies have been conducted to determine the impact of exercise on sleep quality, and it has been observed that light to moderate exercises can help a lot when it comes to improving sleep.

  • It must be noted that the exercises help in reducing the time it takes to fall asleep, as well as the number of times we wake up at night. Along with that, if you develop a habit of exercising regularly, then you will be able to spend more time in slow-wave, deep sleep.

  • There are a wide variety of aerobic exercises that you can try out. These include jogging, cycling, etc. You can also do anaerobic exercise such as weight lifting. So, you should try to incorporate thirty minutes of moderate intensity exercise into your daily routine.

  • At the same time, it should be noted that you should not exercise within a few hours of bedtime. Also, avoid doing high intensity exercises. Such activities might affect your sleep quality in a detrimental manner.


Increase your intake of Magnesium

  • In case you are wondering how to get more deep sleep at night, then you must try to increase your Magnesium intake. It should be kept in mind that Magnesium is an extremely beneficial mineral which helps in the proper functioning of our nervous system.

  • This mineral also plays a very important role when it comes to stress reduction, melatonin production, as well as muscle relaxation. Thus, it is appropriate to say that this mineral is very useful in improving the quality, as well as quantity of sleep.

  • With age, our ability to reach deep sleep diminishes considerably. This is the reason why the older people experience a lot of difficulties when it comes to sleep. During such instances, they should increase their magnesium intake.

  • In order to establish the effect of Magnesium on sleep quality, a study was conducted using elderly people who were suffering from insomnia. At the end of the study, it was found out that, the people who took magnesium supplements experienced a significant improvement in sleep quality.

  • These people were able to fall asleep easily, as well as remain asleep for a longer duration. This mineral also helps in the production of melatonin which is the sleep hormone. Along with that, it also reduces the levels of cortisol (stress hormone).

  • Magnesium supplements are easily available in the market, and you can choose any of these supplements, as per your individual preferences. In addition to that, you will also be able to derive this mineral by consuming magnesium-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, seeds, whole grains, nuts, as well as fish.


See how to get more deep sleep by blocking the blue light…

  • As we all know, in order to achieve optimal sleep, we must try to regulate our circadian rhythm efficiently.  Our body produces a hormone known as melatonin for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, as well as for preparing us for sleep.

  • This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, and it is mostly released during the evening as the light begins to fade. Likewise, during the morning, our body senses the increase in light and thus, signals the pineal gland to decrease the production of melatonin.

  • Now, when we use artificial lighting, as well as electronic devices during the evening or night, we are exposing ourselves to the blue light spectrum. This in turn can confuse our body into thinking that it’s daytime, and not night. So, if you want to enjoy a good quality sleep, then you must try to minimize your exposure to blue light in the evening.

  • If you have to use the computer, smartphone, tablet, gaming device, or kindle, then it is highly recommended that you use the blue light blocking glasses. By wearing these glasses, you will be able to minimize your exposure to blue light, and thereby achieve a good quality sleep. This is applicable for all those who have to work or study in the evening or night.



We have seen how to get more deep sleep at night. In addition to the above mentioned methods, you should try to avoid long naps during the day as much as possible. If you cannot resist yourself from taking a nap, then you must restrict the duration to about 20-30 minutes. Such naps will enable you to remain in the lighter sleep phases without falling into a deep sleep. In addition to that, it will also boost your overall energy, as well as brain function. 


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