Is Beard Transplant A Good Idea?

4 min read

Beard on face is trending these days. But due to hormonal issues, heredity or various other reasons many individuals are unable to get the expected density of hairs for a beard face. Most of such people consider shaving their faces. Meanwhile, some of them consider hair transplantation. Beard hair transplant is an invasive method to get the desired beard face. But, is beard transplant a good idea? It is still confusing for many. It needs discussion.

In this blog we will go into detail about beard transplant and benefits to consider this treatment. To make this an informative post we have incorporated insights taken from Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a cosmetic plastic surgeon renowned for scalp and Beard Transplant in Gurgaon. Let’s begin with learning what beard transplant is.


What is Beard Transplant?

Beard transplant is an advanced method to correct the patchy or completely bald beard area of a male. It is a type of cosmetic procedure preferably performed by a hair transplant surgeon or cosmetic plastic surgeon having expertise in the hair transplantation. During this invasive method, hairs from the donor area from one’s own other body part are used to implant on the immature beard area of the face. To do so, a general set of steps followed by a surgeon are as follows:

  • Initially, the surgeon examines the candidate’s face and overall health to check the eligibility for beard transplant.
  • After finding the candidate perfectly fit to undergo the hair transplant method for beard, selection of the donor area is finalised. In general, donor area for beard transplant includes:
Below the chin area
Hidden area of the upper neck
  • Inject local or general anaesthesia in the candidate’s body.
  • Extract strips or follicles of the hairs from the donor area.
  • Prepare the taken strips/follicles in the lab.
  • Prepare the recipient balded beard regime using punching tools or incisions.
  • Implantation of the strips/ follicles.

The entire procedure of beard transplant usually takes 40 minutes to one hour to perform. But, there is a possibility of reduced or more time to perform it, depending upon the degree of baldness and technique of hair transplant.


Method of Beard Hair Transplant

Two popular techniques of beard hair transplant are as follows:

  1. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)- It is a traditional invasive hair transplant method in which hair strips are used to implant on the balding area. Loss of blood, more time required in post-operative care, scars after the procedure are some drawbacks of the treatment but it is beneficial to address larger balding areas.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)– It is an advanced non-invasive method for beard transplant in which hair follicles from the root of donor area are used to extract and implant them to the punctured area. To do so, two pen-shaped tools called a puncturing tool to prepare the recipient area for implantation and another one implanter is used to implant the follicles on the ready area.


Is Beard Transplant A Good Idea?

Beard transplant is an invasive procedure and almost none of us wants to undergo a surgical procedure, especially for aesthetic reasons. But this treatment offers a wide range of benefits:

  • Permanent Solution

Beard transplant offers a long-lasting solution of patchy baldness of the beard area, which is difficult with frequent shaving or any-other non-invasive hair restoration treatment.

  • Natural Hairs

In this beard hair transplant, one’s hairs from another donor area are used to implant on the balded area. To do so, hair quality, colour, length and various other factors are used to analyse before the procedure commences. Hence, natural hairs after this treatment is expected.


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