Improving Mental Math for CAT Quantitative Aptitude: Tips and Techniques

3 min read

Mastering mental math is a crucial skill for excelling in the CAT (Common Admission Test) Quantitative Aptitude section, making it an indispensable component of any Quantitative Aptitude Course. This proficiency not only optimizes time management during the exam but also amplifies problem-solving prowess. In this all-encompassing guide, we will furnish you with a collection of exceptionally potent tips and techniques tailored to substantially enhance your mental math abilities within the context of a comprehensive Quantitative Aptitude Coaching.

The Power of Practice

Practice is the cornerstone of mastering mental math. Regular and consistent practice will help train your brain to perform complex calculations swiftly. Dedicate a specific time each day to practice mental math exercises. Start with basic arithmetic operations and gradually progress to more complex problems.

Learn Mental Math Tricks

1. Multiplication Techniques

Mastering multiplication is crucial for quick mental calculations. Memorizing multiplication tables up to 20 will significantly expedite this process. Additionally, techniques like Vedic Math and Trachtenberg System offer innovative approaches to multiply numbers mentally.

2. Speedy Addition and Subtraction

Utilize techniques such as rounding up and down to simplify addition and subtraction. For instance, when adding numbers, round them to the nearest multiple of 10, perform the addition, and then adjust for the rounding. This technique minimizes the need for precise calculations.

3. Simplifying Division

To expedite division, learn to recognize common fractions and their decimal equivalents. Familiarize yourself with recurring decimals and use shortcuts for dividing by numbers ending in zeroes.

Develop Number Sense

Number sense is the ability to intuitively understand the relationships between numbers. Enhance your number sense by regularly working with numbers and their properties. Familiarize yourself with prime numbers, factors, and multiples. This intuitive grasp of numbers will significantly enhance your mental math capabilities.

Mental Math in Real-Life Situations

Incorporate mental math into your daily life. Calculate bills, estimate distances, and mentally figure out percentages. This practical application of mental math will not only hone your skills but also make them more readily available when you need them most.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

During the CAT exam, time is of the essence. High-pressure situations can lead to errors. Develop strategies to stay calm and focused. Take a deep breath, read the question carefully, and break it down step by step. Avoid rushing, as this can lead to avoidable mistakes.


Utilize Technology Wisely

While mastering mental math is crucial, don’t shy away from using the on-screen calculator provided during the exam. Strategically choose when to use it. Reserve it for complex calculations that may consume excessive time.



Improving mental math skills is a journey that requires dedication and consistent effort. By incorporating the techniques mentioned above, you’ll not only excel in the CAT Quantitative Aptitude section but also develop a valuable life skill. Remember, practice makes perfect, and with determination, you can achieve remarkable results.


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