How To Tell If Someone Unadded You On Snapchat & What Happens After That?

5 min read

In contrast to other social networks, Snapchat doesn’t make it evident when someone unfriends or blocks you. You may still send messages to those who don’t follow you on Snapchat, which only makes matters more confusing. In case of blocking, you will not be able to send messages. So, if you are wondering how to tell if someone unadded you on snapchat, continue reading to find out. 

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You On Snapchat In Different Ways? 

1.Test Message or Snap

You can send a message or a snap to someone to see if they have removed you. The message will not be received and the snap will not be sent if they have unadded you. However, keep in mind that the same result will occur if the individual has blocked you. Therefore, before drawing any conclusions, it’s crucial to take other things into account.

2.Examine the Friend’s List

The first step in figuring out if someone has unfriended you on Snapchat is to look through the list of your friends. It may be a sign that they have unadded you if you find that the person you suspect is no longer listed among your friends. However, keep in mind that there are further reasons, such as deactivating or deleting their Snapchat account. 

3.Watch Story Views

Now, how to tell if someone unadded you on snapchat  based on story views? Snapchat’s story feature enables users to share short films and photographs with their friends. It may be a hint that you have been unadded if you see a sharp drop in the suspicious person’s story views or their entire removal from the list of watchers. However, keep in mind that this approach is not absolute. 

4.Search username 

An additional way to find out if someone has de-added you on Snapchat is to manually search for their username. Launch Snapchat, click the magnifying glass button, and type the desired username. If their profile is not visible in the search results, they may have either cancelled their account or unadded you.

5.Mutual Friends

In some circumstances, mutual friends can offer helpful information about whether someone has removed you from their Snapchat contact list. Ask close friends if they can still view the suspected person’s Snapchat activity or if they are still on their friend list. While not infallible, this approach might provide you with additional details to aid in making decisions.

6.Check your Snap Score

Based on their behaviour on the platform, Snapchat gives each user a score. Snap Score can give you a strong hint if you want to know how to tell if someone unadded you on snapchat or not, even if it is not a reliable indicator of friendliness or interaction. They may no longer be connecting with your account if you notice a sharp decline in their Snap Score or if it stays constant for a prolonged period of time.

7.Make a New Account

Making a new Snapchat account can assist you figure out whether someone has added or removed you if you’re still unsure. Add the alleged user who is utilising your new account, and keep an eye on their behaviour. They have unadded you from your previous account if they grant your request on the new account.

What Happens After Someone Unadded You?

Now that you know how to tell if someone unadded you on snapchat, let’s find out what happens after that. There are two ways a person can unadded you- unfriending and blocking. 

When someone unfriends you:

On Snapchat, unfriending someone denotes their decision to take you off of their list of friends. When you lose a friend, it’s important to keep the following in mind:


  • Disappearance from friend list: The person’s name and profile will no longer appear on your Friends list after being unfriended, which is the most noticeable effect. As a result, you won’t be able to access their Snaps or contact them using the app anymore.

  • Access Denied: If you unfriend someone, you will no longer have access to their Snaps and Stories. Their stories won’t show up on your feed, and you won’t get their snaps anymore. It is a great way if you are wondering how to tell if someone unadded you on snapchat. It will also be deleted from your chat history if you and the person you unfriended have already exchanged any messages or snaps.

  • Monitoring by Mutual Friends: Even if you’ve lost a Snapchat friend, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that all of your shared friends have also been lost. Your shared connections might still have access to their Snaps, Stories, and platform interactions.

When someone Blocks you:

A more serious move than merely unfriending someone on Snapchat is blocking them. When someone unblocks you on Snapchat, they are attempting to stop all contact and interaction with you. What transpires when you are obstructed is as follows:


  • Disappearance from friend list: Blocking someone causes their profile to disappear from your Friends list, same to when someone unfriends you. Their username will no longer appear in the search field, and their name and profile photo will disappear from your list.

  • Inability to Contact or View Snaps: Once blocked, you are unable to contact anyone or access any of their content, including messages and snaps. The blocked individual will no longer get your communications and you won’t get any alerts or updates from them.

  • No Visibility in Stories or Discover: Being blocked on Snapchat also prevents you from seeing any content that the blocked user posts in Stories or the app’s Discover section. It seems as though they are completely absent from your Snapchat experience.



This shall clear your doubts on how to tell if someone unadded you on snapchat.  Users of Snapchat have the option to conceal or block messages that are not from friends, so keep that in mind. Additionally, in order to receive messages from users who aren’t their friends, Snapchat users must be 18 years of age or older.


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