How long does a concussion last, what are its symptoms & causes?

5 min read

Incidents of concussion can lead to a lot of tension among the patients, as well as the near ones. As we all know, brain injury is considered as one of the severe forms of injury, and sometimes, it takes a lot of time to heal completely. In certain cases, these injuries might be irreversible, and thus, it might impose permanent damage in the brain of the patient. 

 Now, there is a lack of awareness among the common people regarding concussion. So here, we will be discussing how long does a concussion last. Along with that, we will also be providing a detailed overview regarding the symptoms, as well as causes of this condition. 

As we all know, unawareness often leads to a lot of anxiety, as well as tension. Gathering proper knowledge regarding this condition will help the patients and the caregivers to manage the condition efficiently.


  • Concussion can be considered as an injury which causes the brain to move quickly, as well as suddenly inside our head. This is a very serious type of injury that can cause significant damage to the cells that are present in the brain. This in turn impairs their proper functioning.

  • In the majority of the cases, this injury occurs because of a trauma to the head. They can occur when a person experiences a very strong blow to the head, which causes the head to move violently, and quickly.

See how long does a concussion last

  • Concussion can be considered as a very individualized injury, and as of now, we do not have any clear-cut methods to determine when a person is fully recovered.  

  • In the majority of the cases, the symptoms will show up immediately. However, there could be some cases, where the symptoms might not showcase themselves for several days or even weeks.

  • Every patient experiences concussion in a unique manner, and the recovery process, as well as the timetable is also quite different. In the majority of the cases, it has been observed that the symptoms tend to go away within 14-21 days. 

  • Sometimes, the concussions are left undiagnosed or unrecognized. In addition to that, certain cases are poorly treated. Such instances can significantly delay the recovery. In these cases, the concussions might last for months or even longer.

  • It is highly recommended that, if the concussion symptoms are not resolving within 14 days, or if the symptoms are getting worse, then the patients should consult a healthcare professional who specializes in the field of concussion management.

Symptoms of Concussion

  • If you are wondering how long does a concussion last, then you might also want to know in detail about its symptoms.

  1. Sensitivity to sound, and light

  2. Blurry vision, or Double vision

  3. Loss of consciousness

  4. Experiencing ringing in the ears

  5. Lightheadedness, Balance problems, and Dizziness

  6. Tiredness

  7. Sleep pattern changes

  8. Memory loss, and forgetfulness

  9. Unable to understand, or concentrate

  10. Headache, vomiting, and nausea

  11. Feeling of sadness, and depression.

  12. Anxiety, and nervousness

Concussion Types according to the Symptoms

Concussions are actually graded in accordance with the severity of the symptoms that are experienced by the patients.

  1. Grade 0- In this case, the patient will be experiencing headache, as well as concentration issues.

  2. Grade 1- Here, along with headache and concentration problems, the patient will also be experiencing a dazed feeling for a very short period of time. In most cases, this dazed feeling will remain for less than a minute.

  3. Grade 2- All the symptoms of Grade 1 concussion will be seen. However, here the patient will feel dazed for a longer period of time. Other noticeable symptoms include confusion, amnesia, dizziness, ringing in the ears, irritability, etc.

  4. Grade 3- Grade 3 concussions are characterized by loss of consciousness for less than a minute.

  5. Grade 4- Here, the patient remains unconscious for more than a minute.

Causes of Concussion

Now that we know how long does a concussion last, let’s take a look at its different causes.

  • Our brain is made up of tissues that are extremely squishy, and soft in texture. The brain is surrounded by a liquid known as the cerebrospinal fluid. The function of this fluid is to act as a cushion between brain tissues and the skull. 

  • A concussion occurs during instances when our brain twists, or bounces inside the skull in an abrupt manner. Sometimes, it might also occur because of the sudden, whiplash-type back and forth movement. This makes the brain collide with the interior of the skull. 

  • The quick and abrupt movements of the brain might stretch the brain tissues, and thereby damage them. The collision of the brain with the inside of the skull might also damage the brain cells. Such damages can lead to different chemical changes within the brain.

  • Because of these injuries, the brain will not be able to execute its normal functions for a certain period of time. These functional irregularities are manifested as the signs and symptoms of concussion.

  • In the case of adults, the common cause of concussions include falls, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, etc. In fact, any sport which involves contact can cause concussion when the players are not careful enough. 

  • In the case of children, the concussions usually occur on the playground, while playing different sports such as ice hockey, football, wrestling, basketball, and soccer. It can also happen during instances when they ride a bike.

We have discussed how long does a concussion last. As we can see, concussion is a very complicated condition that differs in characteristics from one individual to another. Some might get relief from the symptoms of concussion within a few days. But, others might suffer for months because of the concussions. The exact duration of concussion depends a lot on the individual case. Thus, there exists immense variations in this time frame, and we do not see much uniformity among the patients. However, it is highly recommended that you get yourself checked by a good healthcare provider to avoid unnecessary concerns.

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