Exploring the Delightful World of Plums

4 min read

Delicious and nutritious, plums are a type of stone fruit that are connected to both cherries and peaches. The fruit have abundance of necessary antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. We can eat plums from the end of July to the start of October with four different kinds of plum, each of which ripens at a different time of the year. It is easy to take care of plum plants at home and to choose the tastiest plums. This article shed light on the different types of plum fruits and several plum fruit benefits.

Types of Plums

The articles talks about the two different types of plums which are:

Kakadu plum

It’s a fruit from the kakadu plum tree. The tree is native to Australia and is commonly found in tropical woodlands. It’s sometimes also called:

  • Billy goat plum

  • Green plum

  • Wild plum

  • Murunga

The plums are smooth, fleshy, and egg-shaped with a single seed inside, and they come indifferent colours like yellow and green. These plums are mostly eaten just as they are(raw) but it is also known as one of the best fruit to make fruit jam.

Java plum

The Java plum, also called the Jamun or Malabar plum, is a tropical fruit from India that is a deep blue or purple color. The fruit comes from the Syzygium cumini species and ripens in the summer.

The Java plum is good for you in a lot of ways. It’s one of the best home treatments for stomach pain and other digestive problems, and it’s also very good for you in other ways.

Other plum varieties

  • Santa Rosa

  • Satsuma

  • Stanley

  • Seneca

Plum Fruit Benefits

There are several plum fruit benefits that makes it more important considered as the essential fruit. Plums have vitamin C that helps your body heal, build muscle, and make blood vessels. Plus it’s good for your eyes.

Here are some more Plum fruit benefits for your health:

  • Heart disease- The inflammation that can lead to heart disease is reduced by the phytochemicals and nutrients found in plums.

  • Anxiety- the shortage of antioxidants in our body can lead to anxiety and depression, taking a plum everyday can help in fighting against any these mood swings and anxiety.

  • Constipation- The plums and prunes can boost the gastrointestinal motility. Sorbitol, a type of sugar alcohol, is abundant in them and has laxative effects.

  • High blood pressure and stroke- Plums have high potassium level that has dual benefits for maintaining a healthy blood pressure. It also helps in excreting the excess of Sodium in urine, which also relieves pressure on blood vessel walls. Reduced risk of stroke is associated with lower blood pressure.

  • Antioxidants- Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cancer are all prevented by the antioxidant properties of the fruit. The fruit’s antioxidant content prevent cell and tissue damage.

  • Blood sugar- Plums are a great source of fiber, which can moderate the increase in blood sugar that follows a meal of carbohydrates. They can also increase adiponectin synthesis, a hormone that aids in glucose control.

  • Bone health- The dry plums have been studied under different researches that indicated that the prunes are known to boost the bone health by preserving the bone mass.

Plum fruit aids intermittent fasting by providing a natural source of hydration and essential nutrients during fasting periods, helping to curb hunger, maintain energy levels, and support overall health while adhering to the fasting schedule.


In conclusion, plums have a spectrum of flavors and health benefits. From the tropical Kakadu plum to the deep purple Java plum, these fruits have the wealth of healthy content that gives several health advantages, including heart health, anxiety relief, and bone preservation. Incorporating plums into your diet can aid in intermittent fasting by supplying hydration and nutrients, making it a valuable addition to fasting routines.

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