Culture Index Survey: Key Questions for Evaluating and Enhancing Organizational Culture

4 min read

In the realm of modern business, organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the success and sustainability of companies. A well-defined culture can boost employee engagement, attract top talent, and cultivate a positive work environment. To assess and improve your organizational culture, a culture index survey is a powerful instrument. In this blog, we will explore essential questions to incorporate into your culture index survey, providing a deeper understanding of your company’s culture.

1. What Three Words Best Describe Our Company’s Culture?

  • This open-ended question allows respondents to express their perceptions of the company culture in their own words, offering qualitative insights.

2. How Well Does Our Company’s Culture Align with Your Personal Values?

  • This question gauges whether employees or team members feel a resonance between their personal values and the company’s culture, shedding light on their level of satisfaction and comfort.

3. On a Scale of 1-10, How Inclusive Do You Find Our Company’s Culture?

  • This quantifiable question assesses the inclusivity of your culture, a fundamental aspect of a diverse and welcoming workplace.

4. Do You Believe That Our Company’s Mission and Values Are Clearly Defined and Communicated?

  • This question evaluates the effectiveness of your mission and values in establishing the cultural tone and whether they are well-communicated throughout the organization.

5. How Comfortable Are You with Giving Feedback or Expressing Concerns About Our Culture?

  • This question explores respondents’ comfort levels with providing feedback, a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy and adaptable culture.

6. In Your Opinion, How Emotionally Supportive Is Our Company’s Culture?

  • This question delves into the emotional aspects of your culture, assessing whether employees feel supported and connected.

7. Do You Feel Empowered to Innovate and Take Initiative Within Our Company’s Culture?

  • This question examines whether employees feel encouraged and empowered to contribute innovative ideas and take initiative.

8. On a Scale of 1-10, How Well Does Our Culture Support Work-Life Balance?

  • This question assesses the organization’s commitment to promoting a healthy work-life balance for its employees.

9. What Aspects of Our Culture Do You Find Most Motivating and Fulfilling?

  • An open-ended question that allows respondents to express the specific elements of the culture that drive their motivation and fulfillment.

10. Have You Witnessed or Experienced Any Behavior That You Believe Is Inconsistent with Our Company’s Stated Values? – This question invites respondents to report any inconsistencies they have observed, which can help identify areas for culture improvement.

11. How Well Does Our Company Encourage Collaboration and Teamwork? – This question evaluates the collaborative aspects of your culture and the extent to which teamwork is encouraged.

12. On a Scale of 1-10, How Would You Rate the Clarity of Our Company’s Career Growth and Development Opportunities? – This quantifiable question measures respondents’ perceptions of career growth and development opportunities within the organization.

13. How Satisfied Are You with Our Company’s Efforts to Recognize and Reward Employee Contributions? – Assessing satisfaction with recognition and rewards helps gauge the effectiveness of the company’s approach to employee appreciation.

14. Do You Believe Our Company Values Diversity and Inclusion as an Integral Part of Our Culture? – This question probes into respondents’ perceptions of the organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

15. Are You Proud to Be Associated with Our Company and Its Culture? – This straightforward question gauges respondents’ overall pride in their association with the company and its culture.


Evaluating and enhancing your organizational culture through a culture index survey is an ongoing journey. The questions you choose to include should align with your specific objectives and areas of focus. By thoughtfully crafting your survey, you can uncover invaluable insights and drive positive cultural transformations within your organization. A strong organizational culture is an asset, and a well-structured culture index survey is a significant step towards ensuring it aligns with your organizational values and aspirations.

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