Check out how to convert 11 am pst to est

6 min read

Exploring different time zones can be quite interesting, and it helps us to understand a lot of things regarding our earth, as well as its geographical aspects. Sometimes, we might have to convert the time that is stated in a particular time zone to that in another time zone. During such instances, we might wonder how to convert 11 am pst to est. This is a very simple task, and you will be able to accomplish it very easily if you do a little bit of research. As we all know, in the case of every conversion, the first thing that we have to do is to find out how the two given scales are related. Thereafter, you will be able to accomplish the given task by simply using this relationship. Conversions like this can easily be carried out by the above mentioned method. At the same time, if you want, you can take the help of several timezone converters that are currently available. They will come up with the most accurate results in a relatively short period of time. So, if you want to know how to convert the given time from pst to est, then please keep reading.


What is pst?

If you want to convert, 11 am pst to est, then you must have a clear idea regarding what pst is. This will help you in carrying out the time zone conversion accurately!


  • The acronym pst stands for Pacific Standard Time, and it is regarding as the westernmost time zone that is applicable in the case of some places that comes under the contiguous United States and Canada.


  • Along with that, the Pacific Standard Time is also used in Baja California which is located in Mexico.


  • When it comes to the United States, this time zone covers all, or parts of 5 states. On the other hand, in Canada, this time zone covers two territories, or provinces.


  • The Pacific Standard Time is regarded as the 3rd most populated time zone in the United States. As we have already mentioned, this time zone spans from Canada to Mexico.


  • Another essential feature of this time zone is that the Pacific Standard Time shares a border with Mountain Standard Time in North America.


  • The pst can be considered as a standard time zone which is used from the first Sunday in the month of November to the second Sunday that comes in March.


  • During this particular time period, the Daylight Saving Time will not be in effect. On the other hand, Pacific Daylight Time, or PDT is used for the remaining part of the year.


What is est?

Before seeing how to convert 11 am pst to est, let’s take a look at what est is.


  • The Eastern Standard Time, or est can be considered as the easternmost time zone in the US, and it is also used in Canada.


  • As per reports, the est covers about 23 states in the United States. However, it must be noted that this time zone covers all or certain parts of these 23 states.


  • When it comes to Canada, this time zone covers three provinces or territories. Along with that, this time zone is also used in Mexico, the Caribbean, as well as Central America.


  • If you take a look at the places where this time zone is used, then you will be able to see that the Eastern Standard Time is used by almost half of the population in the USA.


  • This time zone spans from northern Canada and south to Panama that is present near the equator. Along with that, the Eastern Standard Time shares a border with AST, or Atlantic Standard Time in the east, as well as CST, or Central Standard Time in the west.


  • Like the PST, the Eastern Standard Time, or EST is regarded as the standard time zone which is used from the first Sunday of the November month to the second Sunday of March. On the other hand, the Eastern Daylight Time, or EDT is considered to be in use during the remaining part of the year.


Convert 11 am pst to est...

Now that we have taken a look at both PST, and EST, let’s take a look at how to convert 11 am Pacific Standard Time to Eastern Standard Time.


  • As we have stated before, if you intend to convert a particular time from one time zone to another, then you must determine how the time zones are related. In this case, we need to find out the relationship between PST and EST.


  • The Pacific Standard Time, or PST is exactly three hours behind the Eastern Standard Time, or EST. Thus, if you are looking forward to converting a particular time from PST to EST, we need to add three hours to the given time.


  • In this case, the given time is 11 am. So, to convert it from PST to EST, we have to add 3 hours to 11 am. This will give us 2pm, and it can be regarded as the required time in EST.


  • As we can see, this conversion is very simple, and it can be easily carried out manually without much difficulty. All you have to do is a simple calculation, and you will get the required time in PST.


  • At the same time, if you do not want to carry out this conversion manually, then you can take the help of any online converters that are easily available these days. Here, you just need to enter the given time, and select the desired time zones.



We have seen how to convert 11 am pst to est. There might be a number of instances during which we might have to convert a given time from one time zone to another. If these conversion methods are not working for you, then you can download a good application from the app store. Using these applications, you will be able to simultaneously track the time in the two time zones accurately. Thus, you will not have to convert every time you want to check the time in a particular time zone.

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