Best Vaastu Tips for a Happy Married Life

5 min read

People who are happily married live longer and tend to be happier, say many studies. Relationships add immense value to our lives, especially the relationship with the spouse. All people yearn for a happy married life, but lucky are the ones who actually get to experience it. If you are anxious to have a happy married life, don’t worry. Vaastu offers many tips to ensure conjugal bliss. Let us explore some of them.


The Direction for Happy Relationships

The Southwest direction in a house, says Vaastu, is very important for relationships. This direction rules our relationships with spouses, family members, and professional relationships. If this direction is not compliant with Vaastu Shastra principles, it can affect relationships negatively. Talk an astrologer any questions you may have about vastu to receive an effective remedy.


Things to Remember


  1. Avoid having toilets in the Southwest direction. It can upset the harmony in the relationship.
  2. Do not have a kitchen or fire-related appliance in the Southwest. This can cause aggression and arguments between the couple.
  3. Avoid keeping plants in this direction, as disputes in relationships are likely.
  4. There should be no swimming pool or water boring in the Southwest.

      5. You can have a bedroom, living room, or drawing room in this direction. The color schemes of this direction must also follow Vaastu. Avoid red (representing the fire element) or green (representing the air element like plants or trees). Such colors can cause imbalance. Shades of cream or off-white shades are ideal in this direction.


Direction for Boosting Love and Attraction 

Another important direction is the North of Northwest direction. This direction rules the love, attraction, and physical intimacy with the spouse. Needless to say, this direction is very important for newly married couples.


If this direction is disturbed in any way, it can cause problems. No toilet or kitchen should be placed in this direction. If there is an imbalance in this direction, the couple may lose interest in each other. 


Location of the Bedroom 

People spend a lot of time in the bedroom as they sleep in it for around 8 hours. Hence, the energies of the bedroom need to favor a harmonious relationship and bring peace of mind. According to Vaastu, every direction has its own attribute and energy level. Some directions have high energy levels and can be used for productive activity.

Some directions have low energy levels and are ideal for toilets or dustbins. The direction of the bedroom is important, as it can have an impact on your relationship. If, for instance, the bedroom is located in the direction of disposal, the attributes of disposal will manifest in your relationship. Likewise, if the toilet is in the high-energy direction for a good relationship, it will drain the positivity in the relationship.


The age group and work profile of the couple play a role in choosing the direction for the bedroom. Some directions that are good for couples are North of Northwest, West of Southwest, and South of Southeast. These directions can heal troubled relationships.


Avoid Mirrors

Mirrors should not be present in the bedroom, as per Vaastu Shastra. The wrong placement of mirrors creates blockages and turbulence in married life. Here are a few tips on the placement of mirrors.


Do not keep a big open mirror in the Southeast or Southwest direction. This leads to Vaastu imbalance and arguments between the couple. If there is a mirror, either remove it or cover it with a cream cloth.


There should be no mirrors in the bedroom, especially one which reflects the bed. It is very inauspicious in Vaastu and spoils the marital life. Also, there may be problems in having a child.


Colors for the Bedroom 

Colors are also key to enhancing a room’s positive energy. Each color signifies a particular element and a particular direction. For instance, the color blue represents the water element and the North direction. The wrong color scheme for the bedroom can adversely affect the harmony between the couple. If a Southwest bedroom has a green or blue color scheme, the relationship will be troubled.


Ideally, colors should be of light shades and convey a sense of peace. Dark and loud colors must be avoided in the bedroom.


Couple Photographs and Family Photographs

If couple and family photographs are placed in the wrong direction, they can have a negative impact on relationships. A couple photograph, when placed between the South and Southwest directions can create energies of separation.

  1. Place family albums in the Southwest or Northwest directions.
  2. Place couple photographs in the North or Northwest direction. This boosts love in the relationship.
  3. Place a couple photograph in wedding dress in the Southwest direction with a golden frame. This makes for a healthy relationship.
  4. Placing couple photographs portraying happy times in the East of Northeast direction is also good.


Vaastu Tips for Harmony in Relationships

  1. The direction for your bedroom should be Vaastu-compliant and based on your age and profession.
  2. Bedroom colors should be light shades like beige, cream, or off-white.
  3. Ensure that the Northeast direction has no clutter or heavy storage.
  4. The Southwest direction should be balanced as per Vaastu principles.
  5. There should be no plants, toilets, or kitchen in the Southwest direction.
  6. Do not place big mirrors in the bedroom, especially if they reflect the bed.
  7. Sceneries, décor, and artworks in the bedroom should be positive.

For more tips and guidance, seek the help of a professional Vastu consultant

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