4 Signs You Might Need an Emergency Root Canal

4 min read

If you’ve ever experienced excruciating tooth pain, you can understand the urgency of seeking instant relief. Unbearable toothaches can arise from various dental issues like damaged teeth with a compromised pulp chamber. The only instant potential lifesaver in such situations is an emergency root canal.

But to get instant tooth relief, it is important to understand the common signs of when it is necessary. Emerdency, a leading consultant for an emergency dentist in Nottingham and nearby areas, will discuss some clear signs that indicate you might need an emergency root canal.

1- Unbearable Pain

The primary and most unmistakable sign that you may need an emergency root canal is unbearable pain. This isn’t like your typical toothache; it’s an intense, relentless discomfort that makes sleeping or focusing on any task nearly impossible. If you ever find yourself in such agony, waiting until the next business day is not an option for you. Immediate relief is a must in such situations, and an emergency dentist may recommend a root canal to address the compromised pulp causing the pain.

2- Pus Coming from a Tooth

The presence of pus around a tooth is a glaring sign of infection, indicating the need for emergency care. This yellow discharge is a clear indication that the tooth’s pulp chamber is compromised, and an urgent intervention is necessary. Delaying treatment for an infected tooth in such circumstances can lead to severe consequences, resulting in tooth loss and the spread of infection to other vital areas of the body, such as the heart and brain.

3- Severely Damaged Tooth

Trauma to a tooth, whether from an accident or injury, can also result in severe damage that requires immediate attention. When the damage reaches the pulp, you may experience heightened sensitivity and pain when anything comes into contact with the affected tooth. An emergency root canal is necessary to address the compromised pulp and nerves to provide relief from discomfort. In addition to that, the dentist may use a crown to restore the tooth’s appearance and functionality.

4- Tooth Discoloration

A discoloured tooth, along with pain or sensitivity to temperature changes, can indicate nerve damage. This discolouration is a visual cue that the pulp of the tooth may be compromised. Similar to addressing a chipped or cracked tooth, a yellowed tooth can be restored with a crown after the damaged pulp and nerves are removed.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

Now that you know when root canal therapy is necessary, it is time to understand the basic principles of root canal therapy and how it can help you.

Root canal therapy, often perceived as a painful dental procedure, is a highly effective means of alleviating tooth pain and preserving the tooth. Contrary to common misconceptions, the procedure involves removing damaged tissue to halt the spread of infection and eliminate associated pain.

During a root canal, the dentist flushes out the tooth roots and pulp, ensuring complete disinfection. The void left is sealed with a special material called gutta-percha. To maintain the tooth’s integrity, a filling or crown is often applied. Despite its reputation, a root canal typically takes one to two hours, providing lasting relief from dental pain.

Get Immediate Relief With Emerdency


Toothache is not something you can ignore. Recognising the signs that might necessitate an emergency root canal is crucial for immediate intervention and relief. A quick response to these signs not only relieves your pain but also safeguards your dental health in the long run. If you encounter any of these indications, don’t hesitate to consult with Emerdency. We will connect you with an emergency dentist in Birmingham or your nearby areas who can guide you through the necessary steps to potentially save your tooth and preserve your overall oral well-being.

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